Experts in our MSP mounting system.

Ernst Schweizer GmbH is a subsidiary of Ernst Schweizer AG, which supplies our successful MSP range of PV mounting systems throughout Europe.

The subsidiary was born out of DOMA Solartechnik GmbH, an innovative company founded back in 1992 with extensive experience in the field of solar collectors and PV systems. The subsidiary’s site in Satteins, Austria, currently employs 25 staff members.


Ernst Schweizer GmbH in figures

Ernst Schweizer GmbH’s dedicated team, based in Satteins and Frastanz, Austria, currently has approximately 25 members.
The MSP mounting system boasts an annual growth figure of over 600 MWp (2022) across Europe.
Our modern high-bay warehouse is designed for efficient material handling and can store around 2800 pallets and 900 bundles of rails and profiles.

Certified sustainable operations

Ernst Schweizer GmbH places the same value on sustainability and quality as its parent company. As early as the year 2000, the company’s premises in Satteins became the first to switch over to an entirely carbon-neutral energy supply and, in recognition of this, was awarded the European Solar Prize for being “the most ecologically innovative company building in Europe.” The south-facing façade of the office wing is a solar façade clad with PV panels for electricity generation and solar collectors for heating hot water.
We have also been awarded the Ökoprofit (Ecoprofit) certificate for the Vorarlberg region, which is the most widely recognised environmental management system in Austria, with a big focus on the efficient use of resources, investments in renewable energy, and the circular economy.

Pioneers in solar energy

Ernst Schweizer GmbH was founded in 2013, born out of DOMA Solartechnik GmbH, an innovative company with extensive experience in the field of solar collectors and PV systems which was originally founded by Ernst Bertsch in 1992.

In 2021, Schweizer restructured its solar business activities at the Satteins site. The division responsible for the MSP range of modular PV mounting systems (sub-constructions) remained an important sales and logistics site for the group, continuing to market the company’s successful MSP mounting systems across Europe. Meanwhile, the division responsible for installing PV systems was transferred to sister company doma vkw Energietechnik GmbH, also based in Satteins, which is a growing installer of PV systems in the Vorarlberg region of Austria.

Since 2021, Ernst Schweizer GmbH’s site in the centre of Europe has been upgraded and expanded to enable it to handle current and future volumes. In anticipation of further growth in the medium and long term, the company has also purchased the rights to build on a plot in neighbouring Nenzing. This acquisition forms a key component of our strategy to strengthen our presence in the Vorarlberg region, despite the competitive international environment, and to establish ourselves as a leader in our field.